Disruptive Technology
Long Island Technology Group
provides disruptive technology to
your company – so you don’t
have to.

Long Island Technology Group
provides disruptive technology to
your company – so you don’t
have to.
In today’s rapidly evolving technology environment, it is not realistic for a company, whose primary focus is not technology, to make long term decisions on technology. LITG prides itself on its ability to explore and investigate technology trends and directions so your company does not have to spend its valuable resources on activities that are outside of your core competency. Read more …
LITG provides its clients with a lower cost and nimble environment in which never-before hardware platforms can be prototyped and developed. By using rapid prototyping techniques such as 3D printing, unique, one-of-a-kind products can be prototyped in a controlled environment and fine tuned to meet your company’s unique requirements. Read more …
In today’s environment, very few products are produced which do not have some requirement for software or firmware control. While hardware design, engineering and manufacture can be time consuming, software life-cycle design, engineering and development is worse. The reason is that, even with today’s advancement in software techniques, software is still written one line at a time. Read more …